Amanda's Great Grandma was Catholic, so she had a Mass ceremony to lay honor her life. I grew up Catholic also, so I knew what everything represented, and hit home. When the reader was praying for those who have perished in Hazel's family, I lost it. Tears were gushing down and I was screaming at God. How much of a bastard/coward/narcissist/ he is. Screamed how much I hated him, and how much he owes me for taking away my son before he had a chance to live. I was screaming so hard at him that if I was actually yelling I would have loss my voice for multiple days. When I started to scream I felt like there was no one else was in the church besides me and god. Everyone has just disappeared, however I made the mistake of sitting in the middle of the pew, so I was unable to leave. I probably went on for ten minutes of just screaming at him. I went mono e mono with God, I attacked him in every way I could. HOW IN GODS NAME COULD HE TAKE MY SON AWAY FROM ME???? By the time communion came around, I was balling. My eyes were puffy, rivers coming from my eyes, I couldn't handle being in the church any more. I told Amanda, that I need a break and I will be back in a few minutes. I went outside and took a walk down the side of the church. There was this sense of calm that came over me that I have never felt before. I knew he heard everything I said, and he was there to comfort me.
I will be the first person to say that I am not a super religious person, I have my doubts about religion, and how it is set up. But I do believe in God, and I do believe that he was there with me, and he was there to tell me that he was listening.
8 Weeks 2 days
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